Thursday, June 18, 2009

Luis Buñuel And Salvador Dalí Meet For Lunch, Circa 1929


  1. Ms. Morgan explains in her review of Transformers 2 that Michael Bay is a surrealist.

    She suggest the next instalment be entitled Un Chien Andalou LaBeouf. . . .

  2. I saw her comments and laughed. But it didn't make me want to go out and see the movie.

    You know, I am a big fan of the Fun-Stupid movie and I thought the first Transformers movie was pretty good. But this new one wouldn't be the first sequel to an entertaining Fun-Stupid movie that was bloated and uninvolving. I offer up the Pirates of the Caribbean as a prime example, the first feeling odd and quirky and light on its feet, thanks to Johnny Depp's wholly original choice about how to play the lead. But the sequels were, well, awful -- bloated, boring carbon copies of the first ("carbon copies." Boy, there's an expression long past its sell-by date. I haven't used carbon paper to make a copy since high school.)

    Anyway, I'll keep Michael Bay in mind if I ever drop in on avant garde film again.

  3. No carbons since high school? Damn. That means I'm older than Mr. Parker. I freaking hate it when that happens. Hmmm ... you know, that would make an interesting movie. :-)

  4. I don't know -- on these days when all the nagging aches and pains keep me awake half the night, I'm not sure anybody is older than me.


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.