Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Little More Marlene Dietrich

Why? Because we can.


  1. The only thing that I remember about Marlene, is my dad making a comment about her legs.

    We heard the banging of pots and slamming of cabinets for the rest of the day by mom.

    She was never mentioned again.

  2. That made me laugh.

    So glad I could revive those warm and fuzzy childhood memories for you ...

  3. haha,
    she was so beautiful, (but her singing voice is hurtful to my ears) film stars aren't half as glamourous as they used to be.

  4. She's one of those singers like Bob Dylan or Johnny Cash who can't sing a note but who really know how to sell a song. Of course, it probably helps to look like her.

    And the the gorilla suit didn't hurt any ...

  5. Speaking of Marlene's legs (of which my father also has on several occasions) -- wondering who took that very cool photo that was essentially just her crossed legs and her hair, as I recall -- fantastic photo.

  6. Welcome, Tom. I tracked down your blog, Motion Picture Gems -- looks good! I'm putting a link to it under my movie links section and will be following it.

    For my other faithful readers, run on over to Motion Picture Gems and check it out.

  7. thanks for linking! I see you are a fan of Harold Lloyd; I plan to publish a post on the "The Sin of Harold Diddlebock" very soon. Stay tuned!

  8. I plan to publish a post on the "The Sin of Harold Diddlebock" very soon. Stay tuned!

    I'm looking forward to reading it. Definitely like Harold Lloyd ...


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