Sunday, April 4, 2010

"... And A Douglas Fairbanks In Every Glass!"

From a book of drink recipes ...

Douglas Fairbanks
2 Ounces Gin
1 Ounce Apricot Brandy
6 Dashes Lime Juice
A Little Egg White

Shake well and serve in a medium-sized glass.


  1. It's missing an f^%@#&^ dash of battery acid.

  2. Recipe for The Doug Fairbanks Comment:

    No booze, just vitriol.

  3. Sorry. I thought I'd try to speak for DF.

    Takes practice, I suppose.

  4. Sounded like you nailed it to me.

    I happen to know Douglas Fairbanks was at a baseball game today so he probably hasn't seen today's blog entry ...

  5. sheer happenstance delayed my inevitable response.

    thank you, old boy, for posting this marvelous recipe. shortsightedly, I lost the sheet of paper on which I'd first recorded it.

    you see, I've never had one. a shame, really, as it sounds like quite a bit of fun.

    and thingy, you brought a smile to my face with your witty interjection. i was delighted to see that you'd embraced mytongue-in-cheek persona.

    you couldn't possibly believe I'm really that way, could you?

    well, thanks, chums; I hope that the remaineder of this beautiful week treats you well.

    toodle-ooo !

    PS Word Verification: bitierse

  6. My word verification: bullishe.

    I love it.

    So jealous that DF was able to take in a game. Games here in Boston are so very expensive.

    The recipe forgot several ounces of charisma and a pint of athletic ability.

    DF could bound about on screen like none before him and few after him.

  7. by the way, you Mythical Monkey you, you've posted a photograph of yours truly attending a Sausage Fest.

    I had to smile to get some War Bands sold, but damned if I want to stand in front of that many ment again.

    A careful examination revelas that there weren't many women allowed out in the street that day. . . .


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.