Friday, April 29, 2011

Gadzooks, It's Manly Cheesecake #8

Gadzooks. There's a word you don't see much anymore. Remember when everybody used to say "Gadzooks!" when they were surprised, excited or irritated?

"Gadzooks, Martha—I've been drafted."


"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. Gadzooks!"

Anyway, here are the best actors of 1915. They're not as good looking as the actresses, but let's face it, they never are.

Roscoe Arbuckle

George Beban

Charles Chaplin

Sessue Hayakawa

Marcel Lévesque

Henry B. Walthall


  1. Anyway, here are the best actors of 1915. They're not as good looking as the actresses, but let's face it, they never are.

    Oh, I don't know; that George Beban is pretty dreamy. . . .

  2. MM,
    I have to say that this is the first time in my life I've ever heard "Gadzooks". Cute post and good for a laugh, which you know I live for.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Yeah, pretty slim pickings, although, Sessue looks pretty good there.

    MY word verification is 'poonic. That about says it all.

  4. I think the young Sessue Hayakawa is your best bet here, but you might do well to keep your powder dry until we get to Rudolph Valentino in 1921.

  5. Gadzooks! those are some fine looking gents.

  6. do you think that when the director needed George Beban in a scene, he'd say "I need a shot of Beban"?

    "Would you like soda with that?"

    As for me, Gary is the greatest of all Bebans.

  7. Ah, the great Gary Beban, UCLA quarterback, Heisman Trophy winner, and Sonny Jurgenson's back-up in Washington for two years. If he'd made a movie in 1915, I'm sure he'd be my choice as best actor.

  8. but only if you keep calling #9 on the play chart

    and as long as you're not playing
    '66 Notre Dame (not that you had much choice)

    what's this? minus 1...parentheses..again

  9. Yeah, come to think of it, I don't think I've ever won with Gary Beban as my quarterback.

    No Oscars for you, Beban!


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.