Monday, July 18, 2011

Various Poll Results And A New Poll

As expected, Cary Grant was the runaway winner of Monty's best actor tournament over at All Good Things. Grant soundly defeated William Holden, 32-11.

Asked afterwards to reveal the secret of his universal appeal, Grant shrugged and said, "Everybody wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant."

Meanwhile, my niece Stephanie (aka Plain Chicken) appears to have a comfortable lead in the food challenge, with a 14 percentage point lead in a three-person contest. Thanks to all of you who voted—just goes to show there's no stopping the power of the Monkey once you throw it behind a cause.

Next up: world peace!

Until then, one of my favorite blogs, 100 Years of Movies, is conducting a poll with a deceptively simple question: Chaplin or Keaton? I encourage you to head over there, vote, and while you're at it, check out the rest of the site.

And how about a poll of my own? I've chosen Chaplin's collective works at Mutual Film as the best "picture" of 1917, and am currently working on a long essay explaining why. Which of Chaplin's four films from 1917 do you like best?

And in case you haven't seen them, here they are, courtesy of the Internet Movie Database. The print here is pretty beat up—whatdya want for nothing? Better prints are available for instant streaming from Netflix under the title "Charlie Chaplin Collection."


  1. We're having a blogathon -- and you're invited!

    From Oct. 6 to 9, “Carole & Co.” will sponsor its first-ever blogathon, “Carole-tennial(+3)!” named in honor of the 103rd anniversary of Carole Lombard’s birth. You can learn more about it (along with banners you can borrow) at

  2. Count me in. I'll stop by and check out the rules and regulations.

  3. Just saw your poll at the top of the page...I cannot choose between The Cure and The Immigrant. Please don't make me. I think I've seen the other two as well, but The Cure and The Immigrant are two of my all-time favorite Chaplin films.


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.