Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Flirting With Fate

Katie-Bar-The-Door and I spent the whole day with carpet installers, roofers and building contractors. Time for a nap.

But just because I'm tired is no reason for you to do without. How about watching an early Douglas Fairbanks comedy, Flirting with Fate, courtesy of the Internet Movie Database.

From my thumbnail review:

In a moment of despair, a struggling artist, Augy Holliday (Fairbanks), hires a notorious gunman to kill him. Almost as soon as the contract is set, though, Augy's ship comes in—his paintings sell, a long-lost relative leaves him a fortune and the girl of his dreams agrees to marry him. Luckily for him, this is a comedy. George Beranger provides memorable support as the would-be assassin.

Have at it.

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