Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Greatest Directors Tournament: Round Two

The match-ups in second round of the greatest directors tournament are set:

Martin Scorsese versus Woody Allen
Stanley Kubrick versus Akira Kurosawa
Alfred Hitchcock versus Howard Hawks
Buster Keaton versus D.W. Griffith

Cast your votes on the right hand side of the page. You have until next Wednesday evening.


  1. No joke -- I swear that I first read your headline (well, misread it) as follows: The Greatest Dictators Tournament: Round Two.

    For a wmoment, I thought we were carrying this thing just way too far. . . .

    Finding that three of my eight directors made it through the opening round surprises me; I tend to back the losers. As you know, my eight presidential votes have seen me back a loser six times. . . .

    Of course, voting for Nixon in '80 was admittedly a long shot

  2. wow -- the mvle got spamfiltered even when he didn't enter a google name, but went with a generic user name.

    blogger hates me

  3. Google, through its Blogger service, can never silence me!

  4. Almost makes me wonder if it's your computer (or phone) that blogger thinks is the spam agent -- otherwise, why would it block "mister double ewe"?

    If you know what I mean ...

  5. I understand those who like Keaton better than Chaplin, but can't understand those who think he is a better director.

    Painful that your categories lead to my top two directors all-time facing off in round two - and I had to change, because my original list had Kurosawa, but my updated one has Kubrick as #1.

    And Muleboy - in the last 8 elections, Republicans won 5 and Democrats won 3 (or 4-4 depending on how you count 2000). Makes me wonder who you voted for.

  6. 1980 - Nixon

    1984 - Mondale

    1988 - George H.W. Bush

    1992 - George H.W. Bush

    1996 - Dole

    2000 - Browne

    2004 - Kerry

    2008 - Obama

  7. Mule, you are one fascinating equine.

  8. Ah, mister beck, you sound like all of my ex-wives. . . .


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.