Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Myrna Loy Banner

Had enough yet?


  1. Love it! In fact love all the banners you have done! Very creative!

  2. I have not had enough yet. I love these!

  3. You know, Katie-Bar-The-Door and I met in just the same way ...

    Well, okay, I walked into the college newspaper office looking for a job and there she was, typing away at a story, grumbling because she was working on her nineteenth birthday.

    For me, it was the thunderbolt of legend.

    For her, a mild irritation ...

    Seems to have worked out though.

  4. I've been holding the first Thin Man from Netflix for 3 full months now because any day now I'm going to buy a dvd player ... true (yet pathetic) story.

    I haven't seen any of the Thin Man's yet but my late great old man, in a rare bit of letting the old guard down, once allowed that the Thin Man series rocked his world back in the day. I've never forgotten that admission, so ever since, i've wanted to see it ... so close, yet so far ...

  5. William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles is the most fun, ideal fantasy of a marriage ever committed to film. It'd also make a great instruction manual for how to manage marital conflict -- mix a martini, which takes a bit of time, attention and effort, and couch everything in terms of gentle, teasing wisecracks. Throw in lots of physical affection and you're ready to go.

    I'll bet Katie-Bar-The-Door and I have seen The Thin Man fifty times, including in at the AFI Silver. And we own the box set.

    I'd say unless rent or food is standing in the way, The Thin Man is worth buying a DVD player for ...

    Rent and food being awfully important.


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.