Thursday, March 29, 2012

Round Five: The Elite Eight

The results from round four:

#3.Ginger Rogers def. #1.Greta Garbo, 177-78
#1.Carole Lombard def. #3.Joan Crawford, 170-82

In the course of the tournament so far, two great fan bases have turned out in force—those of Carole Lombard and Ginger Rogers—and it's no great surprise that each advanced easily in round four.

Now those two great actresses face off against each other for a chance to represent the Silent Era/1930s in the Final Four.

Should be a titanic battle. As the host of Carole & Co., VP81955, summed it up in a comment right here at the Monkey, "It'll be what King Kong vs. Godzilla would be like if they were glamorous blondes with good legs."

The voting begins now and runs until 10 p.m., Sunday April 1. Tell your friends, family, blog pals, twitter followers, Facebook mates and the guy on the bus.


  1. The Team Carole campaign has begun, featuring an endorsement from one of her best friends...

  2. I wandered over after seeing a promo on Gingerology. (guess you know who I voted for) What fun! This is an awesome idea....March madness among the female giants of classic cinema. I wish I were here for the earlier rounds. Keep up the good work Mythical Monkey.

  3. Ginger v Carole - Noooo!
    Can I give them 1 vote each? I really can't choose between them, having supported them both from the beginning.


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.