Friday, November 15, 2013

Barbara Stanwyck At The AFI-Silver: All Tickets $5!

As if you needed another reason to come out to the AFI-Silver this weekend to meet Victoria Wilson, author of A Life of Barbara Stanwyck: Steel-True, tickets to see the movies themselves are only five bucks! So now you've got no excuses.

The schedule:

Saturday, November 16
1 pm — The Purchase Price
4 pm — The Bitter Tea of General Yen

Sunday, November 17
1 pm — Baby Face
3:20 pm — Illicit
5:30 pm — Remember the Night

With encore presentations of Illicit, Baby Face and Remember the Night on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

Five dollars. You couldn't rent the movies at Blockbuster for that—if there was still a Blockbuster, that is.


  1. I'm so envious! I would got to see all of them if only I didn't need a flight to get there. That would up the $5 price a bit eh?

  2. Baby Face:

    I squirmed a bit, as I have been

    all but two of the men in the movie.

    I've never been the abusive father, and I've never been the wealthy playboy.

    But I have been the sniveling, needy, give-up-anything-for-some-bendy-over kinda douchenozzle that all of the men in this movie are.

    Happily, the cut I saw left out John Wayne's sniveling neediness; instead, he just seemed a solid guy who had a bit of a crush on young Lily.

    I don't think, of course, that the objects of my affection have ever read Nietzsche. A brilliant guy, that old Freddy.

    Although known for all of his "that which does not kill you. . ." bullshit, Freddy should best be remembered for this brilliant philosophical insight:

    Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.

  3. I'm stunned to learn that a place that looks as cools as the AFI Silver is still in business

  4. Not only that Who, but tonight I drove down there and watched Theatre of Blood, starring Vincent Price and Diana Rigg. Diana Rigg on the big screen! Heaven.

    And this weekend they're showing Harold Lloyd's The Freshman with live musical accompaniment.

    This year was the Silver's 75th anniversary. It's been completely refurbished and modernized over the years, but the exterior is basically still the same. Great place to see a movie.

  5. Missus Mule and I are going to try to see The Wicker Man there this weekend: either Friday or Saturday night. But we were unaware of another AFI presentation of a silent w/ live accompaniment, which for the last year has been just about the most fun we've had with our clothes on.

    btw, Harold Lloyd is one of the all-time great photographer of nudie-cuties. His colour work with Bettie Page is knockout stuff - none of the stock "nylons and suspenders" stuff, or pseudo-domination bullshit. Just wholesome shots of a naked lady. . . .

    YUou know, Who, if you hadn't left the East Coast behind and gone back to the land of the not-East-Coast, you could be hanging out with us here. If you, too, were somewhat anti-social and crowd-averse, you'd fit right in with the MythMon and the MuBoy

  6. Hey, mythical monkey, isn't the live The Freshman next weekend [12/1 ?]

  7. isn't the live The Freshman next weekend [12/1 ?]

    Yes, it is. Let's just agree now the four of us are going to see it together.

  8. MissusMule was on board as of last Sunday, and I'm pretty confident that I can address any conflicts [born in 1923]. It's a PM show.

  9. PS I believe that I'll also attend the Fri, Nov 29, 4:00 showing of The Great Escape, but I can't commit until things shake out.

    But who doesn't want that [presumably in Theater 1]?

  10. A ha -- it's confirmed: Theater 1 for each.

  11. We'll definitely be there for The Freshman on Sunday. I'll have to check with Katie-Bar-The-Door about my availability Friday -- her family will be in town again for another soccer tournament -- but I'd really like to see The Great Escape on the big screen -- it's one of my favorites.


Direct all complaints to the blog-typing sock monkey. I only work here.