Sunday, September 1, 2024

2003 Alternate Oscars

2003 was a year for very good movies that I'm not sure I've ever watched twice.

When I set up these polls, I voted for Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation and had nearly completed a review of it when I realized The Lord of the Rings is the sort of movie — well-made, wildly popular, with a long-lasting impact on the culture — I often argue the Academy ought to recognize, usually doesn't, but in this case actually did, so figured I should put my money where my mouth is and, despite the fact that it's not my cup of tea, vote for it.

Then I decided I don't have an opinion.

It happens every now and then.

I leave it to you to sort things out.

My choices are noted with a ★. A tie is indicated with a ✪. Historical Oscar winners are noted with a ✔. Best foreign-language picture winners are noted with an ƒ. Best animated feature winners are noted with an @. A historical winner who won in a different category is noted with a ✱.

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