But when it comes to movies made before the Oscars were invented, well, for most of us, they might as well have never been made at all.
And why? Because we like a winner and even more, we like crabbing about our favorite loser. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences didn't start handing out awards until 1929, and no movie made before August 1, 1927, was eligible. If the Academy had come up with the Oscars in, say, 1924, we'd all have an opinion about whether Greed should have won best picture over Sherlock Jr. or The Thief of Bagdad. But the Academy didn't and even lifelong film buffs will cheerfully shrug and admit they've never seen any of those pictures, much less have an opinion about them.
Without winners and losers, there's no controversy—and in America, at least, no controversy means nothing to talk about. I tell you, silent movies will never be as popular as they ought to be until we have something to argue about.
So I'm starting the argument, here, now.
The "Silent Oscars" are my choices for best picture, director, screenplay and all four acting categories for the years before the Academy began handing out awards, beginning with 1911 and running through July 31, 1927. I might get every single pick wrong, but you've got start somewhere—and besides, based on past history, getting it wrong is what the Oscars are all about.
Click on the highlighted link to read what I've written about the year, movie or person in question.
I also list what I think are the must-see movies of the silent era, from A Trip to the Moon to Fritz Lang's Metropolis and everything in between.
Let the argument begin.
Jump to 1927-1939; 1940s; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s; 2010s
Must-See Movies: Le voyage dans la lune a.k.a. A Trip To The Moon (1902); The Great Train Robbery (1903)
Of Interest: Roundhay Garden Scene (1888); Monkeyshines No.1 (1890); Dickson Greeting (1891); Pauvre Pierrot (1892); Blacksmith Scene (1893); Carmencita (1894); Dickson Experimental Sound Film (1894); Professor Welton's Boxing Cats (1894); L'Arrivée d'un train à La Ciotat a.k.a. Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat (1895); L'arroseur arrosé a.k.a. Tables Turned On The Gardener (1895); The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots (1895); The Kiss (1896); Cendrillon a.k.a. Cinderella (1899); L'affaire Dreyfus a.k.a. The Dreyfus Affair (1899); L'homme orschestra (1900); Jeanne d'Arc a.k.a. Joan of Arc (1900); The Big Swallow (1901); Demolishing and Building Up the Star Theatre (1901); Pan-American Exposition by Night (1901); Life of an American Fireman (1903); La vie et la passion de Jésus Christ a.k.a. The Passion Play (1903); Le voyage à travers l'impossible a.k.a. The Impossible Voyage (1904); Westinghouse Works (1904)

winner: Le voyage dans la lune a.k.a. A Trip to the Moon (prod. Georges Méliès)
nominees: Jack and the Beanstalk (prod. The Edison Manufacturing Company); The Little Match Seller (prod. Williamson Kinematograph Company)
Must-See: Le voyage dans la lune a.k.a. A Trip to the Moon
winner: Georges Méliès (Le voyage dans la lune a.k.a. A Trip to the Moon)
nominees: George S. Fleming and Edwin S. Porter (Jack and the Beanstalk); James Williamson (The Little Match Seller)
winner: The Great Train Robbery (prod. The Edison Manufacturing Company)
nominees: Alice in Wonderland (prod. Cecil M. Hepworth); Le chaudron infernal (prod. Georges Méliès); A Desperate Poaching Affray (prod. William Haggar and Sons); Life of an American Fireman (prod. Edwin S. Porter); La vie et la passion de Jésus Christ a.k.a. The Passion Play (prod. Pathé Frères)
Must-See: The Great Train Robbery
winner: Edwin S. Porter (The Great Train Robbery)
nominees: William Haggar (A Desperate Poaching Affray); Cecil M. Hepworth and Percy Stow (Alice in Wonderland); Georges Méliès (Le chaudron infernal); Lucien Nonguet and Ferdinand Zecca (La vie et la passion de Jésus Christ a.k.a. The Passion Play)
winner: Le voyage à travers l'impossible a.k.a. An Impossible Voyage (prod. Georges Méliès)
nominees: Westinghouse Works (prod. American Mutoscope and Biograph)
winner: Georges Méliès (Le voyage à travers l'impossible a.k.a. An Impossible Voyage)
winner: Rescued by Rover (prod. Cecil M. Hepworth)
nominees: Le diable noir a.k.a. The Black Imp (prod. Georges Méliès); The Night Before Christmas (prod. Edison Manufacturing Company); Panorama from Times Building, New York (prod. American Mutoscope & Biograph)
winner: Alice Guy (various synchronized sound experiments)
nominees: Lewin Fitzhamon and Cecil M. Hepworth (Rescued by Rover); Georges Méliès (various short films); Edwin S. Porter (The Night Before Christmas)
1906-1914: The Birth of the Feature Film
Must-See Movies: The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906); A Corner in Wheat (1909); The Country Doctor (1909); The Lonely Villa (1909); Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics, a.k.a. Little Nemo (1911); The Land Beyond the Sunset (1912); Mest kinematograficheskogo operatora a.k.a. The Revenge of a Kinematograph Cameraman, a.k.a. The Cameraman's Revenge (1912); The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912); An Unseen Enemy (1912); Suspense (1913); Cabiria (1914); Judith of Bethulia (1914); Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914)
Recommended Films: Dream Of A Rarebit Fiend (1906); Le théâtre de Bob (1906); A Trip Down Market Street (1906); Fantasmagorie (1908); Moscou sous la neige a.k.a. Moscow Clad in Snow (1909); Afgrunden (1910); The Lonedale Operator (1911); Max Victime du Quinquina a.k.a. Max Takes Tonics (1911); The Battle at Elderbush Gulch (1913); Der Student von Prag (1913); Fantômas (1913-14); Ingeborg Holm (1913); Twilight of a Woman's Soul (1913); The Avenging Conscience: or "Thou Shalt Not Kill" (1914); The Rounders (1914)
Of Interest La vie du Christ a.k.a. The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ (1906); Swords and Hearts (1911); Richard III (1912); The Bangville Police (1913); Traffic in Souls (1913); Gertie The Dinosaur (1914); The Squaw Man (1914)

winner: The Story of the Kelly Gang (prod. W.A. Gibson, Millard Johnson, John Tait and Nevin Tait)
nominees: Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (prod. The Edison Manufacturing Company); Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (prod. J. Stuart Blackton); San Francisco Earthquake & Fire: April 18, 1906 (prod. unknown); Short Films of Georges Méliès (prod. Georges Méliès); Le théâtre de Bob (prod. Pathé Frères); La vie du Christ a.k.a. The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ (prod. Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont)
Must-See: Dream of a Rarebit Fiend, Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, The Story of the Kelly Gang
winner: Charles Tait (The Story of the Kelly Gang)
nominees: Segundo de Chomón (Le théâtre de Bob); Alice Guy (La vie du Christ a.k.a. The Birth, the Life and the Death of Christ ); Wallace McCutcheon and Edwin S. Porter (Dream of a Rarebit Fiend); Georges Méliès (Short Films of Georges Méliès)
winner: Le spectre rouge (prod. Pathé Frères)
nominees: Ben Hur (prod. Kalem Company); Le tunnel sous la manche ou Le cauchemar franco-anglais a.k.a. Tunneling the English Channel (prod. Georges Méliès)
winner: Segundo de Chomón and Ferdinand Zecca (Le spectre rouge)
nominees: Alice Guy (L'enfant de la barricade); Georges Méliès (Le tunnel sous la manche ou Le cauchemar franco-anglais a.k.a. Tunneling the English Channel)
winner: Fantasmagorie (prod. Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont)
nominees: Le médecin du château (The Physician of the Castle or A Narrow Escape) (prod. Pathé Frères); The Tempest (prod. Clarendon); The Thieving Hand (prod. J. Stuart Blackton)
winner: Émile Cohl (Fantasmagorie)
nomiees: J. Stuart Blackton (The Thieving Hand); D.W. Griffith (various Biograph shorts); Percy Stow (The Tempest)
winner: The D.W. Griffith Biograph Shorts (prod. The Biograph Company)
nominees: Le locataire diabolique a.k.a. The Devilish Tenant (prod. Georges Méliès); Moscou sous la neige a.k.a. Moscow Clad in Snow (prod. Pathé Frères); Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy (prod. J. Stuart Blackton)
winner: D.W. Griffith (The D.W. Griffith Biograph Shorts)
nominees: J. Stuart Blackton (Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy); Joseph-Louis Mundwiller (Moscou sous la neige a.k.a. Moscow Clad in Snow)
winner: Frankenstein (prod. Edison Manufacturing Company)
nominees: Afgrunden a.k.a. The Abyss a.k.a. The Woman Always Pays (prod. Hjalmar Davidsen); The D.W. Griffith Biograph Shorts (prod. The Biograph Company); Jeffries-Johnson World's Championship Boxing Contest (prod. J. Stuart Blackton); The Max Linder Short Comedies (prod. Pathé Frères); Mobiliaire Fidele a.k.a. The Automatic Moving Company (prod. Émile Cohl)
winner: Charles Ogle (Frankenstein)
nominees: Max Linder (The Max Linder Short Comedies); Marc McDermott (A Christmas Carol)
winner: Asta Nielsen (Afgrunden a.k.a. The Abyss a.k.a. The Woman Always Pays)
nominees: Vittoria Lepanto (Salomé); Florence Turner (Twelfth Night)
winner: J. Searle Dawley, Charles Kent and Ashley Miller (A Christmas Carol)
nominees: Émile Cohl (Mobiliaire Fidele a.k.a. The Automatic Moving Company); J. Searle Dawley (Frankenstein); Urban Gad (Afgrunden a.k.a. The Abyss a.k.a. The Woman Always Pays); D.W. Griffith (The D.W. Griffth Biograph Shorts)
winner: Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics, a.k.a. Little Nemo (prod. Winsor McCay)
nominees: L'inferno (prod. Milano Film); The Lonedale Operator (prod. D.W. Griffith); Manhattan Trade School For Girls (prod. unknown); Max Victime du Quinquina a.k.a. Max Takes Tonics (prod. Pathé Frères)
winner: Max Linder (Max victime du quinquina a.k.a. Max Takes Tonics)
winner: Blanche Sweet (The Lonedale Operator and The Last Drop of Water)
nominees: Linda Arvidson (Enoch Arden Parts 1 & 2); Dorothy West (Swords And Hearts)
winner: Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan and Giuseppe de Liguoro (L'inferno)
nominees: D.W. Griffith (The Biograph Shorts); Max Linder (Max victime du quinquina a.k.a. Max Takes Tonics); Winsor McCay and J. Stuart Blackton (Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics, a.k.a. Little Nemo)
Francesco Bertolini and Sandro Properzi (L'inferno) (Art Direction-Set Decoration); Emilio Roncarolo (L'inferno) (Cinematography)
winner: Mest kinematograficheskogo operatora a.k.a. The Revenge of a Kinematograph Cameraman, a.k.a. The Cameraman's Revenge (prod. Aleksandr Khanzhonkov)
nominees: How A Mosquito Operates (prod. Winsor McCay); The Land Beyond The Sunset (prod. Edison Company); The Musketeers Of Pig Alley (prod. Biograph Company); Richard III (prod. J. Stuart Blackton and M.B. Dudley)
winner: Elmer Booth (The Musketeers of Pig Alley)
nominees: Martin Fuller (The Land Beyond The Sunset; Max Linder (The Pathé Frères Comedies)
winner: Dorothy Bernard (The Girl And Her Trust)
nominees: Lillian Gish (The Unseen Enemy and The Musketeers Of Pig Alley); Mary Pickford (The New York Hat); Ynez Seabury (The Sunbeam)
winner: Wladyslaw Starewicz (Mest kinematograficheskogo operatora a.k.a. The Revenge of a Kinematograph Cameraman, a.k.a. The Cameraman's Revenge)
nominees: D.W. Griffith (The Biograph Shorts); Harold M. Shaw (The Land Beyond The Sunset)
winner: Dorothy G. Shore (The Land Beyond The Sunset)
nominees: D.W. Griffith and Anita Loos (The Musketeers Of Pig Alley); Wladyslaw Starewicz (Mest kinematograficheskogo operatora a.k.a. The Revenge of a Kinematograph Cameraman, a.k.a. The Cameraman's Revenge)
G.W. "Billy" Bitzer (Cinematography) (The Musketeers Of Pig Alley)
winner: Fantômas (The Complete Saga) (prod. Romeo Bosetti)
nominees: Der Student von Prag (prod. Deutsche Bioscop GmbH); Sumerki zhenskoi dushi a.k.a. Twilight Of A Woman's Soul (prod. Aleksandr Khanzhonkov); Suspense (prod. Rex Motion Picture Company); Traffic In Souls (prod. Jack Cohn and Walter MacNamara)
winner: René Navarre (Fantômas)
nomiees: Ford Sterling (The Keystone Comedies); Paul Wegener (Der Student von Prag)
winner: Hilda Borgström (Ingeborg Holm)
nominees: Lillian Gish (The Mothering Heart); Mabel Normand (The Keystone Comedies)
winner: Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley (Suspense)
nominees: Yevgeni Bauer (Sumerki zhenskoi dushi a.k.a. Twilight Of A Woman's Soul); Louis Feuillade (Fantômas)
winner: Roscoe Arbuckle (The Keystone Comedies)
winner: Viola Barry (The Mothering Heart)
winner: Louis Feuillade, from the novels by Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre (Fantômas)
nominees: Victor Sjöström, from a play by Nils Krok (Ingeborg Holm); Walter MacNamara, from a story by George Loane Tucker (Traffic In Souls)
Nikolai Kozlovsky (Sumerki zhenskoi dushi a.k.a. Twilight Of A Woman's Soul) (Cinematography)
winner: The Perils Of Pauline (prod. Pathé Frères)
nominees: The Avenging Conscience: or 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' (prod. D.W. Griffith); Judith of Bethulia (prod. D.W. Griffith); The Squaw Man (prod. Cecil B. DeMille)
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Tillie's Punctured Romance (prod. Mack Sennett)
nominees: Gertie The Dinosaur (prod. Winsor McCay)
✰PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Cabiria (prod.Giovanni Pastrone)
Must-See Foreign Language Film: Cabiria
winner: Charles Chaplin (The Keystone Comedies)
nominees: Henry B. Walthall (The Avenging Conscience: or "Thou Shalt Not Kill")
winner: Pearl White (The Perils Of Pauline and The Exploits Of Elaine)
nominees: Marie Dressler (Tillie's Punctured Romance); Blanche Sweet (Judith Of Bethulia)
winner: Giovanni Pastrone (Cabiria)
nominees: Cecil B. DeMille (The Squaw Man); D.W. Griffith (Judith Of Bethulia and The Avenging Conscience: or "Thou Shalt Not Kill"); Mack Sennett (Tillie's Punctured Romance)
winner: Bartolomeo Pagano (Cabiria)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle (The Rounders)
winner: Mabel Normand (Tillie's Punctured Romance)
nominees: Mae Marsh (Judith Of Bethulia)
winner: Gabriele D'Annunzio (titles) and Giovanni Pastrone, from a novel by Emilio Salgari and the histories of Titus Livius (Cabiria)
nominees: D.W. Griffith, Grace Pierce and Frank E. Woods, from a poem by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (Judith Of Bethulia); Cecil B. DeMille and Oscar Apfel, from a play by Edwin Milton Royle (The Squaw Man); Hampton Del Ruth, Craig Hutchinson and Mack Sennett, from a play by A. Baldwin Sloane and Edgar Smith (Tillie's Punctured Romance)
Winsor McCay (Gertie The Dinosaur) (Animation); Segundo de Chomón, Eugenio Bava, Giovanni Tomatis, Augusto Battagliotti, Natale Chiusano and Carlo Franzeri (Cabiria) (Cinematography); Segundo de Chomón and Eugenio Bava (Cabiria) (Special Effects); Camillo Innocenti and Luigi Borgnono (Cabiria) (Set Design)
1915-1919: The Artistic and Commercial Triumph of the New Medium
winner: The Birth Of A Nation (prod. D.W. Griffith)
nominees: The Cheat (prod. Cecil B. DeMille); The Italian (prod. Thomas H. Ince); Regeneration (prod. William Fox)
Must-See Drama: The Birth Of A Nation
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Charles Chaplin's Essanay Short Comedies (prod. Jess Robbins)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle's Keystone Short Comedies (prod. Mack Sennett)
✰PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Les Vampires (prod. Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont)
nominees: Assunta Spina (prod. Giuseppe Barattolo); Posle Smerti a.k.a. After Death (prod. Aleksandr Khanzhonkov)
Must-See Foreign Language Film: Les Vampires

winner: George Beban (The Italian)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle (The Keystone Comedies); Charles Chaplin (The Essanay Comedies); Charles Ray (The Coward)

winner: Francesca Bertini (Assunta Spina and La signora delle camelie)
nominees: Theda Bara (A Fool There Was); Geraldine Farrar (Carmen); Viola Savoy (Alice in Wonderland)

winner: Louis Feuillade (Les Vampires)
nominees: Reginald Barker (The Italian); Cecil B. DeMille (The Cheat); D.W. Griffith (The Birth of a Nation); Raoul Walsh (Regeneration)

winner: Sessue Hayakawa (The Cheat)
nominees: Marcel Lévesque (Les Vampires); Henry B. Walthall (The Birth of a Nation)

winner: Musidora (Les Vampires)
nominees: Anna Q. Nilsson (Regeneration); Clara Williams (The Italian)

winner: Thomas H. Ince and C. Gardner Sullivan (The Italian)
nominees: Louis Feuillade (Les Vampires); Raoul Walsh and Walter C. Hackett, from the autobiography My Mamie Rose by Owen Frawley Kildare (Regeneration)
SPECIAL AWARDS: G.W. "Billy" Bitzer (The Birth Of A Nation) (Cinematography); D.W. Griffith, Joseph Henabery, James Smith, Rose Smith and Raoul Walsh (The Birth Of A Nation) (Film Editing); Robert Goldstein and Clare West (The Birth Of A Nation) (Costumes); Frank Wortman (The Birth Of A Nation) (Set Design)
✰PICTURE (Drama)
winner: Intolerance (prod. D.W. Griffith)
nominees: Civilization (prod. Thomas H. Ince); Hell's Hinges (prod. Thomas H. Ince); Joan the Woman (prod. Cecil B. DeMille); Snow White (prod. H. Lyman Broening); 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (prod. Carl Laemmle); Where Are My Children? (prod. Phillips Smalley and Lois Weber)
Must-See Drama: Intolerance
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Fatty and Mabel Adrift (prod. Mack Sennett)
nominees: The Chaplin Mutuals (prod. Charles Chaplin); The Matrimaniac (prod. D.W. Griffith)
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Judex (prod. Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont)
nominees: Hævnens nat a.k.a. Blind Justice (prod. Dansk Biograf Compagni)
winner: William S. Hart (Hell's Hinges)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle (Fatty and Mabel Adrift); Charles Chaplin (The Chaplin Mutuals); Douglas Fairbanks (The Fine Arts Film Company Comedies); Robert Harron (Hoodoo Ann and Intolerance); Tyrone Power, Sr. (Where Are My Children?)
winner: Mae Marsh (Hoodoo Ann and Intolerance)
nominees: Marguerite Clark (Snow White); Lillian Gish (Sold For Marriage); Mabel Normand (Fatty and Mabel Adrift); Norma Talmadge (Going Straight and The Social Secretary)
winner: D.W. Griffith (Intolerance)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle (Fatty and Mabel Adrift); Charles Chaplin (The Chaplin Mutuals); Louis Feuillade (Judex)
winner: Al St. John (Fatty and Mabel Adrift)
nominees: George Fawcett (The Habit Of Happiness); Eugene Pallette (The Children In The House, Going Straight and Intolerance); Theodore Roberts (Joan The Woman); Jack Standing (Hell's Hinges); Fred Warren (The Matrimaniac)
winner: Constance Talmadge (Intolerance)
nominees: Miriam Cooper (Intolerance); Dorothy G. Cumming (Snow White); Louise Glaum (Hell's Hinges); Bessie Love (Reggie Mixes In); Musidora (Judex)
winner: Anita Loos (His Picture In The Papers (screenplay), Intolerance (titles), The Social Secretary (screenplay), American Aristocracy (story), The Matrimaniac (screenplay) and The Americano (scenario and titles))
nominees: Charles Chaplin (The Chaplin Mutuals); Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley, from a story by L. Payton and F. Hall (Where Are My Children?)
SPECIAL AWARDS Eugene Gaudio, George M. Williamson and J. Ernest Williamson (20,000 Leagues Under The Sea) (Cinematography); D.W. Griffith , James Smith and Rose Smith (Intolerance) (Film Editing); Walter L. Hall (Intolerance) (Art Direction-Set Design)
winner: The Poor Little Rich Girl (prod. Adolph Zukor)
nominees: A Girl's Folly (prod. William A. Brady); A Romance Of The Redwoods (prod. Cecil B. DeMille); A Tale of Two Cities (prod. William Fox)
Must-See Drama: The Poor Little Rich Girl
✰PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The Chaplin Mutuals (Easy Street, The Cure, The Immigrant and The Adventurer) (prod. Charles Chaplin)
nominees: Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm (prod. Mary Pickford); The Roscoe Arbuckle Short Comedies (prod. Joseph M. Schenck)); Wild and Woolly (prod. Douglas Fairbanks
Must-See Comedies: The Adventurer; The Cure; Easy Street; The Immigrant
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Umirayushchii Lebed a.k.a. The Dying Swan (prod. Aleksandr Khanzhonkov)
nominees: Das Fidele Gefängnis a.k.a. The Merry Jail (prod. PAGU); Furcht (prod. Oskar Messter); Terje Vigen a.k.a. A Man There Was (prod. Charles Magnusson)
winner: Charles Chaplin (The Chaplin Mutuals) (Easy Street, The Cure, The Immigrant and The Adventurer)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle (The Roscoe Arbuckle Short Comedies); Harry Carey (Straight Shooting and Bucking Broadway); Elliott Dexter (A Romance Of The Redwoods); Douglas Fairbanks (Wild and Woolly, Down To Earth and Reaching For The Moon); William Farnum (A Tale Of Two Cities)
winner: Mary Pickford (The Poor Little Rich Girl and Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm)
nominees: Vera Karalli (Umirayushchii Lebed a.k.a. The Dying Swan); Doris Kenyon (A Girl's Folly); Ossi Oswalda (Das Fidele Gefängnis a.k.a. The Merry Jail)
winner: Charles Chaplin (The Chaplin Mutuals) (Easy Street, The Cure, The Immigrant and The Adventurer)
nominees: Yevgeni Bauer (Umirayushchii Lebed a.k.a. The Dying Swan); Victor Sjöström (Terje Vigen a.k.a. A Man There Was); Maurice Tourneur (The Poor Little Rich Girl)
winner: Sam De Grasse (Wild And Woolly)
nominees: Eric Campbell (The Chaplin Mutuals) (Easy Street, The Cure, The Immigrant and The Adventurer); Buster Keaton (The Roscoe Arbuckle Shorts Comedies)
winner: June Elvidge (A Girl's Folly)
nominees: Bebe Daniels (The Harold Lloyd Comedy Shorts); ZaSu Pitts (A Little Princess); Edna Purviance (The Chaplin Mutuals) (Easy Street, The Cure, The Immigrant and The Adventurer); Florence Vidor (A Tale Of Two Cities)
winner: Frances Marion, from a play by Eleanor Gates (The Poor Little Rich Girl)
nominees: Charles Chaplin (The Chaplin Mutuals) (Easy Street, The Cure, The Immigrant and The Adventurer); Anita Loos and John Emerson, story by Horace B. Carpenter (Wild and Woolly); Frances Marion, from a play by Charlotte Thompson and a novel by Kate Douglas Wiggin (Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm)
winner: Stella Maris (prod. Paramount/Artcraft Films)
nominees: The Blue Bird (prod. Adolph Zukor); The Married Virgin (prod.Joseph Maxwell); Tarzan of the Apes (prod. William Parsons)
✰PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Old Wives For New (prod. Cecil B. DeMille)
nominees: A Dog's Life (prod. Charles Chaplin); The Roscoe Arbuckle Short Comedies (prod. Joseph M. Schenck); Shoulder Arms (prod. Charles Chaplin)
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru (The Outlaw And His Wife) (prod. Charles Magnusson)
nominees: Die Augen der Mumie Ma (Eyes Of The Mummy) (prod. PAGU); Carmen (Gypsy Blood) (prod. Paul Davidson); Himmelskibet, a.k.a. A Trip To Mars (prod. Ole Olsen); Tih Minh (prod. Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont)
winner: Victor Sjöström (Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru a.k.a.The Outlaw And His Wife)
nominees: Roscoe Arbuckle (The Roscoe Arbuckle Short Comedies); Charles Chaplin (A Dog's Life and Shoulder Arms); Elliott Dexter (Old Wives For New); William S. Hart (Blue Blazes Rawden); Harold Lloyd (The Harold Lloyd Short Comedies)
winner: Mary Pickford (Stella Maris and Amarilly Of Clothes-Line Alley)
nominees: Pola Negri (Die Augen der Mumie Ma a.k.a. Eyes Of The Mummy and Carmen a.k.a. Gypsy Blood) Mabel Normand (Mickey); Ossi Oswalda (Ich möchte kein Mann sein a.k.a. I Don't Want To Be A Man); Norma Talmadge (The Forbidden City)
winner: Cecil B. DeMille (The Whispering Chorus and Old Wives For New)
nominees: Charles Chaplin (A Dog's Life and Shoulder Arms); Marshall A. Neilan (Stella Maris and Amarilly Of Clothes-Line Alley); Victor Sjöström (Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru a.k.a. The Outlaw And His Wife); Maurice Tourneur (The Blue Bird)
winner: Theodore Roberts (Old Wives For New)
nominees: Snub Pollard (The Harold Lloyd Comedy Shorts); Rudolph Valentino (The Married Virgin)
winner: Dorothy Gish (Hearts of the World)
nominees: Sylvia Ashton (Old Wives For New); Kathleen Kirkham (The Married Virgin); Marsha Manon (Stella Maris); Florence Vidor (Old Wives For New)
winner: Jeanie Macpherson, from a novel by David Graham Phillips (Old Wives For New)
nominees: Frances Marion, from a novel by Belle K. Maniates (Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley); Charles Chaplin (A Dog's Life and Shoulder Arms); Frances Marion, from a novel by William J. Locke (Stella Maris)
Winsor McCay (The Sinking of the Lusitania) (Animation); Walter Stradling (Stella Maris) (Cinematography)
✰PICTURE (Drama)
winner: Broken Blossoms (prod. D.W. Griffith)
nominees: The Dragon Painter (prod. Haworth Pictures Corporation)
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Male And Female (prod. Cecil B. DeMille)
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Die Spinnen (Spiders) (prod. Erich Pommer)
nominees: J'accuse! (prod. Charles Pathé)
winner: Richard Barthelmess (Broken Blossoms)
nominees: Sessue Hayakawa (The Dragon Painter); Thomas Meighan (Male And Female); Wallace Reid (Hawthorne of the U.S.A.)
winner: Lillian Gish (Broken Blossoms)
nominees: Clara Kimball Young (Eyes of Youth); Mae Murray (The Delicious Little Devil); Ossi Oswalda (Die Austernprinzessin a.k.a. The Oyster Princess and Die Puppe a.k.a. The Doll); Mary Pickford (Daddy-Long-Legs); Nell Shipman (Back To God's Country); Gloria Swanson (Don't Change Your Husband and Male And Female)
winner: D.W. Griffith (Broken Blossoms)
nominees: Cecil B. DeMille (Male And Female); Abel Gance (J'accuse!); Fritz Lang (Spiders)
winner: Donald Crisp (Broken Blossoms)
nominees: Robert Harron (The Girl Who Stayed At Home); Theodore Roberts (Don't Change Your Husband, The Roaring Road and Male and Female); Erich von Stroheim (Blind Husbands)
winner: Clarine Seymour (The Girl Who Stayed At Home and True Heart Susie)
nominees: Ressel Orla (Spiders)
winner: D.W. Griffith, from a short story by Thomas Burke (Broken Blossoms)
nominees: Jeanie Macpherson, from the play by J.M. Barrie (Male and Female)
1920-1928: The Silent Era's Golden Age
winner: Within Our Gates (prod. Oscar Micheaux)
nominees: The Mark of Zorro (prod. D.W. Griffith); Way Down East (prod. D.W. Griffith)
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The Buster Keaton Short Comedies (prod. Joseph M. Schenck)
nominees: The Harold Lloyd Short Comedies (prod. Hal Roach); Why Change Your Wife? (prod. Cecil B. DeMille)
winner: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari) (prod. Rudolf Meinert and Erich Pommer)
nominees: Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (The Golem) (prod. Paul Davidson)
winner: John Barrymore (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
nominees: Douglas Fairbanks (The Mark Of Zorro); Buster Keaton (The Buster Keaton Short Comedies); Harold Lloyd (The Harold Lloyd Short Comedies)
winner: Gloria Swanson (Why Change Your Wife?)
nominees: Barbara Bedford (The Last Of The Mohicans); Lillian Gish (Way Down East); Louise Glaum (Sex); Mary Pickford (Pollyanna and Suds); Olive Thomas (The Flapper)
winner: Robert Wiene (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari a.k.a. The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari)
nominees: Carl Boese and Paul Wegener (Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam a.k.a. The Golem); D.W. Griffith (Way Down East); Fred Niblo (The Mark of Zorro); John S. Robertson (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
winner: Conrad Veidt (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari a.k.a. The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari)
nominees: Wallace Beery (The Last of the Mohicans); Lowell Sherman (Way Down East)
winner: Nita Naldi (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
nominees: Bebe Daniels (Why Change Your Wife?); Sybil Seely (The Buster Keaton Short Comedies)
winner: Oscar Micheaux (Within Our Gates)
nominees: Carl Mayer and Hans Janowitz (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari a.k.a. The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari)
Willy Hameister (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari a.k.a. The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari) (Cinematography); Walter Reimann, Walter Röhrig and Hermann Warm (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari a.k.a. The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari) (Art Direction-Set Decoration)
winner: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (prod. Rex Ingram)
nominees: Manhatta (prod. Charles Sheeler and Paul Strand); Orphans of the Storm (prod. D.W. Griffith); The Sheik (prod. Jesse L. Lasky); Tol'able David (prod. Henry King)
✰PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The Kid (prod. Charles Chaplin)
nominees: The Affairs Of Anatol (prod. Cecil B. DeMille); The Buster Keaton Short Comedies (prod. Joseph M. Schenck); The Harold Lloyd Short Comedies (prod. Hal Roach); Seven Years Bad Luck (prod. Max Linder)
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Körkarlen (The Phantom Carriage) (prod. Charles Magnusson)
nominees: Hamlet (prod. Asta Nielsen); Der müde Tod (Destiny) (prod. Erich Pommer)
winner: Rudolph Valentino (The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse and The Sheik)
nominees: Richard Barthelmess (Tol'able David); Charles Chaplin (The Kid); Douglas Fairbanks (The Three Musketeers); ; Max Linder (Seven Years Bad Luck and Be My Wife); Harold Lloyd (The Harold Lloyd Short Comedies); Buster Keaton (The Buster Keaton Short Comedies); Wallace Reid (The Affairs Of Anatol); Victor Sjöström (Körkarlen a.k.a. The Phantom Carriage)
winner: Pola Negri (Die Bergkatze a.k.a The Wildcat)
nominees: Dorothy Gish (Orphans Of The Storm); Alla Nazimova (Camille); Asta Nielsen (Hamlet); Mary Pickford (Little Lord Fauntleroy); Gloria Swanson (The Affairs Of Anatol); Blanche Sweet (That Girl Montana); Alice Terry (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and The Conquering Power); Lois Wilson (Miss Lulu Bett)
winner: Victor Sjöström (Körkarlen a.k.a. The Phantom Carriage)
nominees: Charles Chaplin (The Kid); D.W. Griffith (Orphans of the Storm); Rex Ingram (The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse); Cecil B. DeMille (The Affairs of Anatol)
winner: Jackie Coogan (The Kid)
nominees: Nigel de Brulier (The Three Musketeers); Theodore Roberts (The Affairs of Anatol)
winner: Bebe Daniels (The Affairs Of Anatol)
nominees: Agnes Ayres (The Affairs Of Anatol and The Sheik)
winner: June Mathis, from the novel by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse)
nominees: Charles Chaplin (The Kid)
Julius Jaenzon (Körkarlen a.k.a. The Phantom Carriage) (Cinematography)
winner: Nanook Of The North (prod. Robert J. Flaherty)
nominees: Foolish Wives (prod. Irving Thalberg); Robin Hood (prod. Douglas Fairbanks)
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The Buster Keaton Short Comedies (prod. Joseph M. Schenck)
nominees: Grandma's Boy (prod. Hal Roach); Pay Day (prod. Charles Chaplin)
✰PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror) (prod. Enrico Dieckmann and Albin Grau)
nominees: Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit a.k.a. Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (prod. Erich Pommer); Häxan (Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages) (prod. Aljosha Production Company)
winner: Erich von Stroheim (Foolish Wives)
nominees: Jackie Coogan (Oliver Twist); Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit a.k.a. Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler); Harold Lloyd (Grandma's Boy)
winner: Anna May Wong (The Toll Of The Sea) and Norma Talmadge (Smilin' Through) (tie)
nominees: Madge Bellamy (Lorna Doone); Leatrice Joy (Manslaughter); Nita Naldi (Blood And Sand); Mary Pickford (Tess of the Storm Country)
winner: F.W. Murnau (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen a.k.a. Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror)
nominees: Benjamin Christensen Häxan a.k.a. Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages); Robert J. Flaherty (Nanook Of The North); Fritz Lang (Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit a.k.a. Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler)
winner: Max Schreck (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen a.k.a. Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror)
nominees: Sam De Grasse (Robin Hood); Ramon Novarro (The Prisoner Of Zenda); Gustav von Seyffertitz (Sherlock Holmes)
winner: Mae Busch (Foolish Wives)
nominees: Astrid Holm (Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages)
winner: Henrik Galeen, adapted without credit from the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen a.k.a. Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror)
nominees: Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou, from the novel by Norbert Jacques (Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit a.k.a. Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler); Benjamin Christensen Häxan a.k.a. Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages)
Fritz Arno Wagner (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen a.k.a. Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror) (Cinematography); Albin Grau (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauen a.k.a. Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror) (Art Direction-Set Decoration)
winner: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (prod. Carl Laemmle and Irving Thalberg)
nominees: Scaramouche (prod. Rex Ingram); The Ten Commandments (prod. Cecil B. DeMille); A Woman of Paris (prod. Charles Chaplin)
Must-See Dramas: The Hunchback of Notre Dame; The Ten Commandments; A Woman of Paris
✰PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Safety Last! (prod. Hal Roach)
nominees: Our Hospitality (prod. Joseph M. Schenck); The Pilgrim (prod. Charles Chaplin); Three Ages (prod. Buster Keaton and Joseph M. Schenck); Why Worry? (prod. Hal Roach)
Must-See Comedies: Our Hospitality; Safety Last!
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Coeur fidèle (prod. Pathé Consortium Cinéma)
nominees: La Roue (prod. Abel Gance and Charles Pathé)
winner: Harold Lloyd (Safety Last! and Why Worry?)
nominees: Lon Chaney (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame); Charles Chaplin (The Pilgrim); Buster Keaton (Three Ages and Our Hospitality)
winner: Edna Purviance (A Woman of Paris)
nominees: Eleanor Boardman (Souls For Sale); Lillian Gish (The White Sister); Colleen Moore (Flaming Youth); Mabel Normand (The Extra Girl); Alla Nazimova (Salome); Norma Talmadge (Within The Law and Ashes of Vengeance)
winner: Abel Gance (La Roue)
nominees: Charles Chaplin (The Pilgrim and A Woman of Paris); Cecil B. DeMille (The Ten Commandments); Buster Keaton (Our Hospitality); Wallace Worsley (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
winner: Adolphe Menjou (A Woman Of Paris)
nominees: Richard Dix (The Ten Commandments); Lewis Stone (Scaramouche)
winner: Gladys Brockwell (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
nominees: Eileen Percy (Within The Law)
winner: Perley Poore Sheehan (adaptation) and Edward T. Lowe Jr. (scenario), from the novel by Victor Hugo (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
nominees: Jeanie Macpherson (The Ten Commandments); Charles Chaplin (A Woman of Paris)
Roy Pomeroy (The Ten Commandments) (Special Effects); Paul Iribe (The Ten Commandments) (Art Direction)
✰PICTURE (Drama)
winner: The Thief of Bagdad (prod. Douglas Fairbanks)
nominees: The Enchanted Cottage (prod. Inspiration Pictures); Greed (prod. Irving Thalberg); He Who Gets Slapped (prod. Victor Sjöström and Irving Thalberg); The Iron Horse (prod. John Ford); Peter Pan (prod. Herbert Brenon)
Must-See Dramas: Greed; The Thief of Bagdad
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: Sherlock, Jr. (prod. Buster Keaton and Joseph M. Schenck)
nominees: Girl Shy (prod. Harold Lloyd); The Marriage Circle (prod. Ernst Lubitsch); The Navigator (prod. Buster Keaton and Joseph M. Schenck)
Must-See Comedies: Girl Shy; The Navigator; Sherlock, Jr.
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Gösta Berlings saga (a.k.a. The Saga of Gösta Berling) (prod. Svensk Filmindustri)
nominees: Entr'acte (prod. Rolf de Maré); Der letzte Mann (The Last Laugh) (prod. Erich Pommer); Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache (prod. UFA); Die Nibelungen: Siegfried (prod. Erich Pommer); Das Wachsfigurenkabinett (Waxworks) (prod. Leo Birinsky and Alexander Kwartiroff)
Must-See Foreign Language Films: Gösta Berlings saga (a.k.a. The Saga of Gösta Berling; Der letzte Mann (The Last Laugh); Das Wachsfigurenkabinett (Waxworks)
winner: Douglas Fairbanks (The Thief of Bagdad)
nominees: John Barrymore (Beau Brummel); Richard Barthelmess (The Enchanted Cottage); Emil Jannings (Der letzte Mann a.k.a. The Last Laugh); Buster Keaton (Sherlock, Jr. and The Navigator); Hans Larson (Gösta Berlings saga a.k.a. The Saga of Gösta Berling); Harold Lloyd (Girl Shy and Hot Water)
winner: May McAvoy (The Enchanted Cottage)
nominees: Elizabeth Bergner (Nju - Eine unverstandene Frau a.k.a. Husbands or Lovers); Betty Bronson (Peter Pan); Marie Prevost (The Marriage Circle); Gloria Swanson (Manhandled); Mary Pickford (Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall); Constance Talmadge (Her Night of Romance); Florence Vidor (The Marriage Circle)
winner: Raoul Walsh (The Thief Of Bagdad)
nominees: Buster Keaton (Sherlock Jr.); Ernst Lubitsch (The Marriage Circle); F.W. Murnau (Der letzte Mann a.k.a. The Last Laugh); Mauritz Stiller (Gösta Berlings saga a.k.a. The Saga of Gösta Berling); Erich von Stroheim (Greed)
winner: Jean Hersholt (Greed)
nominees: Alfred Abel (Die Finanzen des Großherzogs a.k.a. Finances of the Grand Duke); Adolphe Menjou (The Marriage Circle); John Gilbert (He Who Gets Slapped); Sôjin (The Thief of Bagdad); Conrad Veidt (Das Wachsfigurenkabinett a.k.a. Waxworks)
winner: Zasu Pitts (Greed)
nominees: Pauline Frederick (Three Women); Greta Garbo (Gösta Berlings saga a.k.a. The Saga of Gösta Berling); Dorothy Gish (Romola); Jobyna Ralston (Girl Shy)
winner: Erich von Stroheim, from the novel McTeague by Frank Norris (Greed)
nominees: Carl Mayer (Der letzte Mann a.k.a. The Last Laugh); Paul Bern, from the play by Lothar Schmidt (The Marriage Circle); Achmed Abdullah, James T. O'Donohoe and Lotta Woods, from a story by Douglas Fairbanks (as Elton Thomas) (The Thief Of Bagdad)
Buster Keaton (Sherlock, Jr.) (Film Editing); William Cameron Menzies (The Thief of Bagdad) (Art Direction-Set Decoration)
winner: Ben-Hur: A Tale of The Christ (prod. J.J. Cohn, Samuel Goldwyn, Louis B. Mayer and Irving Thalberg)
nominees: The Big Parade (prod. Irving Thalberg and King Vidor); Don Q Son of Zorro (prod. Douglas Fairbanks); Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (prod. Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack); The Lost World (prod. Earl Hudson); The Merry Widow (prod. Erich von Stroheim); The Phantom Of The Opera (prod. Carl Laemmle)
Must-See Dramas: Ben-Hur: A Tale of The Christ; The Big Parade; The Phantom Of The Opera
✪PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The Gold Rush (prod. Charles Chaplin)
nominees: The Freshman (prod. Harold Lloyd); Lady Windermere's Fan (prod. Ernst Lubitsch); Seven Chances (prod. Buster Keaton)
Must-See Comedies: The Freshman; The Gold Rush
✪PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Bronenosets Potyomkin (Battleship Potemkin) (prod. Goskino)
nominees: Die freudlose Gasse (The Joyless Street) (prod. Romain Pinès and Michael Salkind); Stachka (Strike) (prod. Boris Mikhin)
Must-See Foreign Language Films: Bronenosets Potyomkin (Battleship Potemkin)
winner: John Gilbert (The Merry Widow and The Big Parade) and Ramon Novarro (Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ) (tie)
nominees: Lon Chaney (The Phantom Of The Opera); Charles Chaplin (The Gold Rush); Ronald Colman (Lady Windermere's Fan); William S. Hart (Tumbleweeds); Harold Lloyd (The Freshman); Rudolph Valentino (The Eagle)
winner: Irene Rich (Lady Windermere's Fan)
nominees: Vilma Bánky (The Eagle); Greta Garbo (Die freudlose Gasse a.k.a. The Joyless Street); May McAvoy (Lady Windermere's Fan and Ben-Hur: A Tale Of The Christ); Mae Murray (The Merry Widow); Mary Pickford (Little Annie Rooney); Mary Philbin (The Phantom Of The Opera); Norma Shearer (Lady of the Night); Gloria Swanson (Stage Struck); Constance Talmadge (Her Sister from Paris)
winner: Sergei M. Eisenstein (Stachka (Strike) and Bronenosets Potyomkin (Battleship Potemkin))
nominees: Charles Chaplin (The Gold Rush); Fred Niblo (Ben-Hur: A Tale of The Christ); King Vidor (The Big Parade)
winner: Harry Earles (The Unholy Three)
nominees: Roy D'Arcy (The Merry Widow); Francis X. Bushman (Ben-Hur: A Tale Of The Christ); Mack Swain (The Gold Rush)
winner: Renée Adorée (The Big Parade)
nominees: Gertrude Astor (Stage Struck); Clara Bow (The Plastic Age); Louise Dresser (The Eagle); Georgia Hale (The Gold Rush); Jobyna Ralston (The Freshman)
winner: Harry Behn (scenario), Joseph Farnham (titles), from a story by Laurence Stallings (The Big Parade)
nominees: H.H. Caldwell, Katherine Hilliker, June Mathis, Bess Meredyth and Carey Wilson, from the novel by Lew Wallace (Ben-Hur: A Tale Of The Christ); Charles Chaplin (The Gold Rush); Maude Fulton, Julien Josephson and Eric Locke, from the play by Oscar Wilde (Lady Windermere's Fan)
Sergei M. Eisenstein (Bronenosets Potyomkin a.k.a. Battleship Potemkin) (Film Editing); Cedric Gibbons and Horace Jackson (Ben-Hur: A Tale Of The Christ) (Art Direction-Set Decoration); Lon Chaney (The Phantom Of The Opera) (Makeup); Marcel Delgado and Willis H. O'Brien (The Lost World) (Special Effects); Marcel Delgado and Ralph Hammeras (The Lost World) (Visual Effects)
✪ - denotes tie
winner: The Black Pirate (prod. Douglas Fairbanks)
nominees: La Bohème (prod. Irving Thalberg); Flesh and the Devil (prod. Irving Thalberg); The Scarlet Letter (prod. Victor Sjöström); The Son of the Sheik (prod. George Fitzmaurice); Sparrows (prod. Mary Pickford)
Must-See Dramas: The Black Pirate; Flesh and the Devil
✰PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The General (prod. Buster Keaton and Joseph M. Schenck)
nominees: For Heaven's Sake (prod. Harold Lloyd); The Strong Man (prod. Harry Langdon); Tell It To The Marines (prod. George W. Hill)
Must-See Comedies: The General
PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed (The Adventures Of Prince Achmed) (prod. Comenius-Film GmbH)
nominees: Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage (prod. Erich Pommer); Kurutta ippêji (A Page of Madness) (prod. Teinosuke Kinugasa); Mat (Mother) (prod. Mezhrabpom-Rus)
Must-See Foreign Language Films: Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed (The Adventures Of Prince Achmed); Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage
winner: Buster Keaton (The General)
nominees: Charley Chase (Mighty Like A Moose); Gösta Ekman (Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage); John Gilbert (Flesh and the Devil, La Bohème and Bardelys the Magnificent); William Haines (Brown of Harvard and Tell It To The Marines); Harry Langdon (The Strong Man); Harold Lloyd (For Heaven's Sake); Rudolph Valentino (The Son of the Sheik)
winner: Greta Garbo (Flesh and the Devil, Torrent and The Temptress)
nominees: Vera Baranovskaya (Mat a.k.a. Mother); Clara Bow (Mantrap); Lillian Gish (La Bohème and The Scarlet Letter); Camilla Horn (Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage); Colleen Moore (Ella Cinders); Mary Pickford (Sparrows); Constance Talmadge (The Duchess of Buffalo); Norma Talmadge (Kiki)
winner: Buster Keaton and Clyde Bruckman (The General)
nominees: Clarence Brown (Flesh and the Devil); George W. Hill (Tell It To The Marines); Teinosuke Kinugasa (Kurutta ippêji a.k.a. A Page of Madness)); F.W Murnau (Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage); Lotte Reiniger (Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed a.k.a. The Adventures Of Prince Achmed)
winner: Gustav von Seyffertitz (Sparrows)
nominees: Noah Beery, Sr. (Beau Geste); Lon Chaney (Go Tell It To The Marines); Donald Crisp (The Black Pirate); Sam De Grasse (The Black Pirate); Emil Jannings (Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage)
winner: Phyllis Haver (What Price Glory)
nominees: Gertrude Astor (The Strong Man); Louise Brooks (The Show Off); Vera Lewis (Ella Cinders)
winner: Buster Keaton and Clyde Bruckman (screenplay); Al Boasberg and Charles Henry Smith (adaptation), from the memoirs of William Pittenger (The General)
nominees: Gerhart Hauptmann and Hans Kyser (titles); from the play by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage); Benjamin Glazer (screenplay), Marian Ainslee (titles), from the novel The Undying Past by Hermann Sudermann (Flesh and the Devil); Frances Marion, from the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter)
Buster Keaton and Sherman Kell (The General) (Film Editing)
January 1—July 31, 1927
winner: The Unknown (prod. Tod Browning)
nominees: The King of Kings (prod. Cecil B. DeMille); The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (prod. Michael Balcon and Carlyle Blackwell)
PICTURE (Comedy)
winner: The Kid Brother (prod. Harold Lloyd)
nominees: It (prod. Clarence G. Badger and Elinor Glyn)
Must-See Comedies: The Kid Brother
✰PICTURE (Foreign Language)
winner: ●Metropolis (prod. Erich Pommer)
nominees: Napoléon (prod. Abel Gance)
Must-See Foreign Language Films: Metropolis
winner: ●Lon Chaney (The Unknown)
nominees: John Barrymore (The Beloved Rogue); Albert Dieudonné (Napoléon); Harold Lloyd (The Kid Brother)
winner: ●Clara Bow (It)
nominees: Lillian Gish (Annie Laurie); Colleen Moore (Orchids and Ermine); Polla Negri (Hotel Imperial)
winner: ●Fritz Lang (Metropolis)
nominees: Tod Browning (The Unknown); Cecil B. DeMille (The King of Kings); Abel Gance (Napoléon); Alfred Hitchcock (The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog)
winner: ●Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Metropolis)
nominees: Joseph Schildkraut (The King of Kings); Ernest Torrence (The King of Kings)
winner: ●Brigitte Helm (Metropolis)
nominees: Jobyna Ralston (The Kid Brother)
winner: ●Thea von Harbou, from her novel (Metropolis)
nominees: Eliot Stannard, from the novel by Marie Belloc Lowndes (The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog)
Karl Freund, Günther Rittau and Walter Ruttmann (Metropolis) (Cinematography); ●Otto Hunte, Erich Kettelhut and Karl Vollbrecht (Metropolis) (Art Direction-Set Decoration); ●Hermann I. Kaufmann (Metropolis) (Costumes)
● - denotes best of calendar year 1927
Jump to 1927-1939; 1940s; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s; 2010s
What? No love for Renée Adorée in The Big Parade? Not even nominated for best supporting actress?
I thought she was surprisingly real as the little Frenchy seduced by the kindly American. . . .
Good catch, good call!
Have you commented anywhere in your blog on the incredible shrinking Oscars? Between the idiocy of going host-less to the disaster of the the Hathaway/Franklin hosting (poor Anne, she was trying to make banter with a cigar store Indian on her arm) to the ever expanding list of nominees (there aren't 10 good films most years let alone ten to compete for best one) to the let's all vote for the most woke pic/star/director to the shrinking audiences, and the lack of any real drama in the speeches because everyone is being O so careful--oh, for a Marlon Brando or Paddy Chayefsky moment--the Oscars have become a dull cultural non-event. Discuss. :)
I wrote this a couple of years ago, just a throwaway observation:
In retrospect, the failure to nominate The Dark Knight for best picture helped open what is now a yawning chasm between the Academy and the ticket-buying public, where every year the top prize goes to some grim little art film nobody has seen and then the powers-that-be scratch their collective heads and wonder why no one watches the Oscars anymore.
Sometimes the answer is so obvious you only have to look in the mirror to find it.
But I agree, the ceremony itself has become so dull that (to steal a line from somebody else), "it's not like watching paint dry, it's like watching dry paint chip."
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