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It's Official: Ginger Rogers Is Your Favorite Classic Movie Actress For 2012
In what might be the most anticlimactic finish to a 2012 Favorite Classic Movie Actress Tournament ever, Ginger Rogers romped to the title over Natalie Wood in a contest that was one-sided from its opening moments.
The final total? 144 to 25. Hokey smoke, Bullwinkle!
Fred Astaire sums up the way all of Ginger's fans must be feeling at this moment (with Spanish subtitles for those who like their Astaire-Rogers dance numbers that way):
Great work, MM...thanks to you and Monty for hosting the tourney... truly amazing how many Ginger folks are out there..., hopefully this won't sound 'pompous' or anything, probably will...
BUT, I move to 'retire' Ginger from the proceedings next year... mainly due to all the 'grumblings' regarding her vote totals THIS year... if it's one thing I don't care for, it's unfounded accusations, especially hurled toward Gingerologists...
Monty and MM, Y'ALL have been most gracious directors, and have NO issues with you... however, it only takes a few others to make what should be a neat tourney into a mud-slinging affair...
Thus, as the most tenacious Ginger Rogers fan on the planet, I again propose that Ginger not be in the tournament next year... so please consider retiring her crown for the 2012 Tournament.
Thanks, y'all!
KIG! ...well, except for the Tournament, please...
Thus, as the most tenacious Ginger Rogers fan on the planet, I again propose that Ginger not be in the tournament next year... so please consider retiring her crown for the 2012 Tournament.
I'll share this idea with Monty. Not a bad idea, actually, just to keep interest alive for everybody. But it's Monty's call.
In the meantime, congratulations Ginger!
I missed the voting but agree Ginger is number one in any category. Check out my extensive blog about Ginger's life and movies from a diehard fan at
Sorry about the deleted messages. Hopefully I have corrected my mistakes from the other comments.
You know, I've given up many facets of my contrariness.
I went with my gut [an ample went), and didn't think how my tastes might align with the general readership.
I had so few winners, I felt like Eugene Debs. . . .
Congrats to Ms. ROgers, of course. She won it fair and square.
Or so you say. . . .
Congrats to Ms. ROgers, of course. She won it fair and square.
As fairly and squarely as is possible given that it's a self-policing poll.
But she is a more than worthy winner, one of the true icons of Hollywood's Golden Age.
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