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Today's Oscar Trivia #17
How To Earn An Oscar Nomination? It seems that playing a prostitute gives women a leg up on earning a nomination or an Oscar as Best Actress. Name the 1960 film that brought Elizabeth Taylor the award for playing a semi-professional call girl.
Auspicious Debuts Some directorial debuts have been nominated in the Best Director and Best Picture categories. Name the 1981 Best Picture winner from debuting (and Oscar-nominated) director Hugh Hudson.
Hmm, I don't know the second one, but I'm sure the first one is BUTTERFIELD 8! It's one of the only Elizabeth Taylor movies I've ever sat through. :)
wasn't '81 Chariots of Fire?
I ask because i watch it nightly. . . .
Ginger Ingenue and Mister Muleboy team up today to provide the right answer. Kudos.
By the way, I posted this last night around 12:15 a.m., went to bed and woke up to find ten new comments spread out throughout the blog. Seems Ginger had a bout of insomnia and an interest in the Marx Brothers. Like that's never happened to me before.
Ginger, I promise to answer every one of them throughout the day (I'm waiting for Sony television's local rep to show up with a new flat-screen panel -- apparently this particular model blows up after a while. but if you call before March 31, Sony will replace it for free. Good for them. And me.)
Butterfield 8 is the film Liz won for. But at the time it was rumored she really won because she cheated death. She went up to receive the Oscar with a scratchy voice and a scar on her throat. I remember watching it on tv.
Shirley Jones was another actress who won as Oscar for playing a prostitute - in ELMER GANTRY.
There have been SO many others. It's practically a guarantee of a nomination. Especially if you've otherwise played goody-two-shoes.
For man, its' this: play a boxer or a handler of a boxer. The picture usually gets nominated and so will you. (In this year's boxing film, Mark Wahlberg didn't get the nod, but his brother/handler played by Christian Bale, did.)
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Butterfield 8 is the film Liz won for. But at the time it was rumored she really won because she cheated death.
I've heard that, too. Personally, I think the best performance that year might have been one that wasn't nominated -- Jean Simmons in Elmer Gantry.
Ah, Jean Simmons. As a kid growing up she and Glynnis Johns were my two favorite actresses. I just simply adored them. Jean was always underrated as an actress.
Remember HOME BEFORE DARK? I think that's the title. A film where she is called on to make herself ridiculous. I thought she was splendid.
I got to see Glynnis Johns on Broadway in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC. Thank the gods.
notice the post from Blogging Common Team
oh sure, now Harvard is begging YOU
after your portrayal of "Tongo the King of the Jungle", I would have thought they realized you were obviously a Yale man.
Boola boola!
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