Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Charlie

Charlie Chaplin was born on this day in 1889.

I've already written quite a bit about Chaplin—here, here, here and here. So how about a movie instead?

Since Katie-Bar-The-Door and I are going to see The Gold Rush tomorrow with live musical accompaniment by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, I'll show that to you, courtesy of the Internet Movie Database.



mister muleboy said...

Chuck to his friends.

Of course, the young ladies called him Uncle Chuck. . . .

Not that anything was ever proved.

mister muleboy said...

Hey, that socialist Obama helped my ex-wife score a sizable refund, despite not having any sizable bill.


Mythical Monkey said...

Don't make me come down there ...

Anonymous said...

funny, I completely forgot, but I just did a post about his relationship with Pola Negri the day after his birthday, how odd

Kendra said...

Hi there! Just to let you know, this post was featured in 'Classic Film Link Love" over at :)

Mythical Monkey said...

Thanks for the blog love, Kendra!

If you haven't checked out Kendra's blog, here's a clickable link (here).

And of course you can also find Viv and Larry on my blog roll.